Thursday, September 20, 2018

Magnolia fruits

The Southern Magnolia near the Fitness Center and Cline Hall

Sometimes we take our beautiful Magnolia trees for granted. We should really stop and give them the appreciation they deserve. They're very strange plants, reminding one of either ancient aeons or of a very special character.

Magnolia flowers turn into this strange furry structure. In the center is a sort of a cone, composed of the base of many follicles. The top of each follicle, the receptacle, will undergo dehiscence and split open to reveal a red seed. Each seed is attached by a string. Sound complicated? It is. But just enjoy whatever stage you see the plant in. Right now we have a beautiful palette of reds, pinks, peaches, and yellows.

This fruit is particularly pink.
Here is one that is more peach.

This polyfollicle has done its work, revealing the bright red seeds.