Sunday, July 12, 2020

Golden Canna (Canna flaccida)

It's mid-July. It's hot and humid. Golden canna seed pods have lost their greenness. We now have dark brown seed pods desiccating and splitting.

Golden canna fruit, pictured on July 12, 2020

Golden canna fruits aren't numerous this year: in our small patch of cannas, we see fewer than 10 fruits.

If interested in growing a few cannas in your home garden, stop by and grab a seed pod. Right now they are splitting, revealing the hidden seeds, begging to be germinated.

Pods have a rough texture and measure less than two inches in length.

Breaking up the fruit pods, we find several seeds of varying quality. In the photo above, only three seeds look worthy of planting; they measure ¼ of an inch across, and they have a rough texture. The other, shriveled seeds don't look viable.