Sunday, September 27, 2020

Longleaf Pine (Pinus palustris)

This past winter two young longleaf pines were planted in the arboretum. At the beginning of the fall term, one tree looks better than the other. The tree pictured above looks great! This one grows on a grassy slope north of Cline Hall; Rotary Hall is pictured in the background.

This little longleaf pine doesn't look so good. It's growing in full-sun near the SUB. Its needles are drooping, suggesting that it simply needs a drink of water. This seems reasonable since this little tree lies beyond the spray of the arboretum's automated irrigation system. However, it has received regular drinks from the water hose throughout the summer.

Another possible explanation is that it has been unintentionally over-watered. Back in the early summer, a plumbing leak near the SUB created a shallow stream of water that ran for nearly a week. Perhaps this stream saturated the soil and all of the extra watering treatments inundated our little longleaf. Hopefully it will pull through!