Saturday, May 15, 2021

Squirrels Raiding the Gummi Berry Shrubs

 Our two non-native gummi berry (Elaeagnus multiflora) shrubs, located in the arboretum near the Student Union Building, have been exceedingly productive this spring.  For more than a week they have steadily offered ripe fruits for snacking. Luckily, the squirrels didn't get the memo until this weekend. Below, we have raw footage of the squirrels raiding the gummi berry shrubs. At least six individuals were identified.

Photos and video are provided by J. L. Wright.


In this photo we see a squirrel on the ground and a squirrel perched in the shrub, staring down the photographer, but unable to pull themselves away from their feast.


It's difficult to discern the content of this image. In the video below, all is revealed.