Monday, August 22, 2022

Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana)


At the bottom of the arboretum drainage near the Fitness Center, an interesting, potentially poisonous weed popped up in a bed devoted to a few fringe trees (Chionanthus virginicus). The weed rapidly grew, started flowering, and producing fruits. That's a rapid colonizer.

This is pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), a local favorite, celebrated each year in Blanchard at the Poke Salad Festival. This was formerly a very important species in this area, so it's worth paying attention to. It volunteered in a sunny, wet location, next to the concrete channel that runs under the Fitness Center ramp. This is a relatively small pokeweed plant, only standing about two feet tall. Other individuals of this species can grow several feet high.


In the photograph, we see one long raceme with a few white flowers and two developing white racemes.

The green, rounded structures are immature fruits. They are expected to turn dark purple or black. Unfortunately, these photos do not capture the characteristic pink-purple stems. If our volunteer pokeweed stays in the game, more photos will be posted.