Sunday, September 18, 2022

2022 Acorn Watch: Blackjack Oak (Quercus marilandica)


Back in July, there were several clusters of immature acorns on the lower limbs of the arboretum's senior blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica). Now that it's September, we only see a few scattered immature acorns on the lower branches. Below, we have three pictures illustrating the change.

On July 3rd, we saw a cluster of five immature acorns. This is only one of several clusters that were easy to examine while standing on the ground. You can find more photographs on the July blog post, found here.

In the middle of September, while standing on the ground, we see a few single acorns and only a couple of small clusters. In this photograph, there are two nicely developing acorns and one tiny, perhaps non-developing, acorn. A ladder was not used to investigate further up the tree.

In this photo, we have one developing acorn and a small non-developing acorn. While it's unfortunate that we do not have a better selection to examine, it's nice that there are some developing acorns to study. And these are neat little fruits! Can you see the orange fuzziness on the green acorn? Hopefully the ones that remain will continue to develop uninterrupted so that we can photograph the final product.