Monday, November 21, 2022

Ashe's Viburnum (Viburnum ashei)


If you happen to be walking through the Centenary campus and pass through the arboretum in the next few weeks, find the arboretum's storage shed. Next to it you will spot a very large shrub sporting blue fruits. Feel free to take some of the fruits home with you and plant them or just throw them on the ground in a wild place. This shrub is one of several individuals on the docket for potential removal in 2023 due to construction.

The fruit clusters are numerous, and seeds have already been collected for an arboretum germination project. So don't feel too bad for the plant and don't be shy about taking some seed with you.

The leaves of Ashe's viburnum (Viburnum ashei) are turning from light green to red.

Twig with small fruit cluster, pictured November 19, 2022