Sunday, March 24, 2024

Flowering Azalea, the Native Kind (Rhododendron austrinum)

 These Azaleas are on fire!

You won't be able to miss this gorgeous shrub.

A distress call is going out: "Help! Please pollinate me!"

The native bees need to get to work; there are a lot of flowers here.

This shrub has more flowers than leaves. As the flowers are in their height of glory, the leaves are just emerging. See our previous post on this.

Orange, yellow, red, green, pink, and every shade between.

Would William Blake consider this to be 'fearful symmetry'? I'd be scared to try and recreate it from memory.

These flowers are not only beautiful and enchanting, they are staggeringly complicated.

As the bees see it (photographed from an elevated position.)

Enjoy this one before it's gone. Only a few days remain!