Monday, February 3, 2020

Flowers of the Tag Alder (Alnus serrulata)

It's the beginning of February, and a few species are already flowering. Mature tag alder catkins are to be found in the arboretum this week. The golden flowers dangle in clusters, dancing in the breeze. We also see the old "cones" from last year, as well as the tiny, red female flowers.
Male and female flowers of the tag alder (Alnus serrulata) photographed at the beginning of February
Can you see the tiny specks of red that appear at the end of the twig, positioned directly above the cluster of catkins? These are the female flowers.

The long yellow flower clusters (catkins) are the male flowers. The catkins measure between 2½ inches and 3¼ inches in length. A light touch will release a small cloud of yellow dust.

Here we have a better look at the female flowers. So small!