There is always a little color in the Louisiana landscape, even in 'the dead of winter'. Walking through the arboretum on February 12th, shortly before a predicted winter storm, a modest bouquet was collected. Some flowers are right on time, while others are appearing out of their expected season.
One sprig of lyre-leaf sage (Salvia lyrata) was found flowering all by its lonesome. We typically see these purplish-blue flowers in early spring.
One Louisiana iris hybrid was also found flowering out of season.
More than a few mayhaw flowers were found. Our mayhaws are expected to flower in February, and sometimes we see flowers in January.
A purple cone-flower in February is a rare sight. This patch of cone-flower is new to the arboretum; they were planted last April.
Echinacea sp.
It's not surprising to see flowers on the eastern red-cedars (Juniperus virginiana). During winter, the male individuals of this species take on a golden hue: tiny, yellow male cones cover the branches, altering the evergreen color when viewed from a distance.