Monday, March 14, 2022

Litter Problem, Old and New


Litter Collected in Arboretum, March 13, 2022

Other than the massive amount of tree and plant litter, e.g. catalpa leaves and chittamwood fruits, we typically do not find too much litter in the arboretum. We see scraps of paper, small, single-use plastic pieces, and bits of foil wrappers. On more than one occasion, an unmentionable piece of clothing [not pictured], which must have belonged to an exhibitionist, was found & discarded. About once a year, a vintage shard of glass is uncovered in the drainage channels. Over the past year, a new, common article of trash has been created: the face mask. This collection of items is a nice snapshot of March 2022.

Due to the longstanding public health crisis, it's inevitable that a mask is dropped or tossed into the landscape. Interestingly, it is the reusable face masks and not the single-serving masks that are found in the arboretum. It will be a relief when these items are no longer common pieces of trash.

Finding artificial leaves in the arboretum is an ironic but uncommon event.


Once, sometimes twice, a year, we find a piece of history. Here we have an old, thick, green piece of glass with the Coca-Cola logo. This kind of rubbish is always found in the arboretum's drainage channels, uncovered or brought in by the flow of water. The Centenary College population has been enjoying Coca-Cola for a long time.


The ubiquity of the classic Coca-Cola bottle makes it easy to identify, even from small pieces. Other shards of glass aren't as easily classified. This thick piece of glass was the bottom to a bottle, and it retains several markings.

The largest marking is "Hires." This must have belonged to a bottle of Hires Root Beer, probably from the period 1930-1960. Historical, and tasty!