This week in the arboretum you can find big-leaf magnolia
flowers! The buds were first noticed at the end of April, so we have
pictures of those along with images of the opened flowers.
All photos are of the same tree. It's just under 10 years old. In 2012, Centenary student Bonnie Bernard
germinated this plant from seed collected on Albany Avenue in
Shreveport. The following spring it was planted in the ground of the
arboretum. |
On April 22, 2022, the flower buds were noticed by chance, as they were mostly hidden by the 'big-leaves'. A ladder was necessary for inspection. As we can see in the photo, this tree is still small and very skinny.
The trunk is less than 2 inches wide.
Big-leaf magnolia leaves are truly big. It could be the case that this tree produced flowers last year and they simply went unnoticed. However, for the arboretum record, we will say that this is the first year it produced flowers.
Big-Leaf Magnolia flower bud photographed on April 22, 2022
Big-leaf magnolias also have big flower buds.
The flowers opened this week. Photographs of the flowers were taken on May 3, 2022.
The large flowers are floppy compared to those of the flowering magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora). These flowers are also less fragrant.
Big-leaf magnolia flower, photographed May 3, 2022
Big-leaf magnolia flower, photographed May 3, 2022 |