Wednesday, September 28, 2022

2022 Acorn Watch: White Oak (Querucs alba)

A month ago, we looked at the acorns on a young white oak (Quercus alba), approximately 16 years of age. The acorns were numerous; the caps were big; but the green fruit was still small. Over the past four weeks, the fruit has developed significantly.


This cluster of acorns was photographed on August 27th. The caps look nearly fully developed, and the green fruits are nicely rounded but still small. Compare these fruits to those in the below photograph.


This is what the acorns look like this week. The caps now look small compared to the fruit. Will the acorns get bigger, or, having reached their full size, is it time for them to start ripening? Looking at past pictures of ripe acorns from the Centenary arboretum, we expect these white oak acorns to grow to an inch in length, which, as pictured above, they aren't quite there yet.