Sunday, September 8, 2024

Arboretum Cleanup: Catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides)

Maintaining trees in an urban landscape often requires pruning. Removing lower branches from trees allows for more foot traffic in proximity to the trees, and it also increases visibility, which is a safety concern. Some trees require more pruning than others. Today we'll take a look at one of our catalpas, which is in rude health. See previous posts on the history of this tree here and here.


The catalpa (Catalpa bignonioides) is pictured center. What a gorgeous tree. It is only eleven years old! Take a look at the trunk: there aren't any branches near the ground.

Even though the lower branches have been removed from the trunk, branches further up the trunk droop low to the ground.

The leaves and seed pods are only a couple of feet above the grass.

 We pruned this tree and its partner (not photographed), which lies across the drainage canal. With the lowest drooping branches removed, we see more of the landscape, and, more light is now available to the little trees and shrubs recently planted. The catalpa will hopefully invest its energy in its upper branches rather than the ones nearest the ground.