It is now the first week of May. The bitter pecan (
Carya aquatica) finally started to leaf-out. This is indeed the last tree in the arboretum to put out new leaves. Over the past couple of weeks concerned glances were cast in its direction. But today, things are looking good.
The bitter pecan is an interesting specimen in the collection. It is four individual trees that have fused together at ground level. Such a formation can be explained by the history of the tree(s). In 1996, seeds were collected by Jack Price in northern Caddo Parish, on Jimmie Simpson's property south of Gilliam. They were gifted to Ed Leuck, who successfully germinated the seeds and nurtured the seedlings. In November of 1997, five seedlings from a single pot were planted together in a low, wet part of the arboretum, near the arboretum drainage. Four of the five seedlings did very well. Over the past twenty years, four healthy, albeit cramped, trees have developed.
The bitter pecan is pictured center. It looks leafless compared to its verdant surroundings. But the bare limbs allow us to appreciate its rounded crown. |
There are four thick, robust stems. |
At ground level the trunks have grown together. |
These four trees have rough, flaky, gray bark that splits into narrow strips. |
Some of the branches are still without leaves, but we can see leaf buds. |
On other branches, fuzzy new leaves and catkins have emerged. |
This twig has new compound leaves, but no catkins. |
Zooming in on the new leaves, we see that the leaflets have serrated edges. |
The yellow-green catkins are still developing. They have yet to release pollen. |
For more information about this species consult the following sources:
United States Department of Agriculture
Virginia Tech Dendrology
University of Florida IFAS Extension