It's winter. The weather in northwest Louisiana is cool and rainy. Time to plant trees! Last month, in December, we added several woody plants to the arboretum catalogue. Two of the new recruits are pictured below. These longleaf pines (
Pinus palustris) were grown on
Willis Farm in Webster parish by Centenary College alumnus Dr. Gladden Willis, who specializes in native plants, particularly our native azaleas.
A young longleaf pine (Pinus palustris)
is pictured center. In December 2019, it was planted at the junction of
two sidewalks near the Student Union Building. During the summer, this
is a very sunny location. For the first couple of summers, care will be
taken to make sure it gets plenty of water, but after that, this little
tree shouldn't require much additional care. On January 12, 2020, it
measured 31 inches high. |
This longleaf pine was also planted in December 2019. It's growing in full sun, on the grassy slope north of Cline Hall. On January 12, 2020, it measured 28 inches high. |