Saturday, January 25, 2025

Slope Maintenance and Bridge Replacement


Another exhausting session of work on the disturbed slope, with temperatures in the 35 to 45 degree range. The clay is thankfully drying out, which makes it easier to manipulate.

Things are looking better, but it will probably be a year or two before nature heals. Since the ground has been so thoroughly disturbed, we ought to have a multitude of volunteers germinate in this spot. It will be interesting to see what comes up.

Going further down the slope, we see that the new bridge is complete! Wahoo! In the arboretum catalogue, this is referred to as 'the long white wooden bridge that runs from Mickle to the Student Union Building'. It's not white anymore.


Ought we paint the bridge white? Another color? Or is the bare look of treated lumber pleasing?

The large pile of materials is gone; craftsmen have used it up.

Here we can see the under-structure of the new bridge, along with some new pylons made of concrete block and treated lumber.

The new bridge also makes use of the old pylons.