Sunday, December 12, 2021

Tree of the Week: a Visible Loss of Integrity in an Old Post Oak

Over the past five months, we have covered the decline of a particular post oak (Querucs stellata). You can read about it here and here.
This old post oak is tagged for removal. The date of its departure has not yet been set, but we hope to take notes and pictures at the event. When this tree no longer stands to cast its shadow, the southern face of Mickle Hall will be decidedly less interesting.

Even though leaves still cling to its branches, our post oak is losing its bark. This large gap in outer bark is at eye level.

As the tree sloughs its outer shell, attention is drawn to a twisting pattern in the trunk.

Tree bark loss of an old post oak, photographed December 12, 2021

The upper limbs also show a severe loss of bark.